Quit drinking suddenly - expected and realistic results

It is possible to give up alcohol suddenly - certainly, especially with the decision to give up alcohol on a daily basis. Yes, it won't be easy, but the "plus" of a healthy lifestyle will be judged much faster. Archaeologists compare the gradual reduction in alcohol intake to organ removal. At a certain stage, a person who regularly drinks alcohol may simply experience diarrhea. In order not to start over again, you should endure a temporary deterioration of your health.

Sudden alcohol rejection - interesting body response

Alcoholism is a physical and psychological dependence on ethyl alcohol. Therefore, when it suddenly stops entering the body, an immediate response occurs from most of the vital systems. It's no surprise that they must now operate in a modified mode. But do not pay attention to the temporary deterioration of health, because "making friends" with ethanol costs the body. Here are the expected consequences of quitting alcohol for the first few days:

  • weight loss due to suppression of appetite;
  • insomnia followed by drowsiness;
  • headache dull migraine type;
  • psychological instability - irritability, unreasonable anxiety, apathy;
  • mild movement of joint pain, shaking in fingers.

It sounds scary, but these withdrawal symptoms are more common in older alcoholics. If a person uses some, but every day, the actual physical condition doesn't deteriorate. There is only psychological discomfort if there is no beer bottle, wine glass or 50-100 grams of regular vodka.

What are the reasons why the body reacts so strongly to refusing to drink? The fact that ethanol is fed into biochemical reactions becomes their equal participant. When you try to get rid of it from there, a temporary failure occurs in the body. Now he will have to establish neural regulation, initiate the production of optimal quantities of digestive enzymes, and restore damaged liver and urinary organs. He deals with these tasks in about 1-1, 5 months.

Drowsiness can be a result of sudden alcohol withdrawal

Typical signs of alcohol withdrawal

How to give up alcohol forever - just mobilize full will when drunk in systematic water. In such cases, a person drinks heavily, often, constantly experiencing all the "pleasures" of hangover. Then, during the next drunkenness, he had mental, heart, and liver problems, he firmly decided to "quit". What's ahead of alcoholics:

  • 1 day. The withdrawal symptoms are manifested immediately by feelings of nausea and vomiting, headache, intense tremors and, of course, the inability to tolerate a hovering desire. In fact, the first day of alertness becomes an alcoholic test of strength. If he can tolerate it without alcohol, his chances of beating his addiction will skyrocket;
  • 2-7 days. During this period, the alcoholic feels badly - the body requires a normal amount of alcohol, causing the "owner" to experience headaches, visual and hearing hallucinations, tremors of limbs. Gastrointestinal disturbances and bowel movements, and the prospects for a healthy lifestyle do not seem bright to alcoholics. Don't give up during this period; medicine and sleep will help you go through;
  • Day 8. To make it a little easier, improvements are visible to the naked eye. The severity of the withdrawal syndrome decreases, and the body adapts well to changing survival conditions. Now he's busy restoring organs and tissues, learning to work entirely without ethanol. Headache, nausea and discomfort diminished, as ethyl alcohol and its toxic metabolites no longer circulate in the bloodstream;
  • 30 - 40 days. That's all - one person can himself now give advice on how to quit alcohol. Lightness appeared in the body, mental and physical performance improved, and career skills seemed lost again. All vital systems function perfectly, the body works like a watch. But don't relax - even a sip of beer at this stage can cause depression.

And now a little fly in the ointment. If a person drinks a lot and regularly, then his internal organs are frequently exposed to ethanol. In a state of intoxication, cells are destroyed without further recovery. Chronic diseases develop in which alcoholics are not even suspicious. After all, he quelled all the alarming symptoms with another serving of alcohol. But outside of excitement, it would be impossible not to pay attention to them. It's time for a complete health check. After diagnosis, the doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment regimen and prescribe the drug.

The sad consequences of long-term drinking are fatty degeneration of the liver, hepatitis, kidney damage, atrophy of the stomach or high acidity. All diseases are severe, but they can be completely cured, so the prognosis is favorable. So a strong alcohol denial sometimes avoids disability and even death. After all, while the alcoholic is trying to "detox" by reducing the dose, dangerous diseases will develop, progress, and recur in his body.

we give up our own alcohol

We'll help you in any way we can - advice for those who decide to "tie up" quickly

The decision to stop drinking is usually made spontaneously when a person suddenly realizes that a stroke, heart attack or cirrhosis is just around the corner. Therefore, he did not have time to prepare for the next drink after a hangover. Unlike relatives, family members have the ability to quickly find all the information they need. A person needs help to quit drinking, support, and replace a shoulder in a difficult life period.

The incident happened more than it really did during the first two weeks, so seek professional medical attention. The transition to a sober lifestyle will be easier with the help of pharmacology. Intravenous injection of salt solution, vitamin B, sedatives and anticonvulsants, respiratory sedatives, antiarrhythmic drugs, sedatives will help. The results of the medical intervention were clear:

  • normalized cardiac and respiratory activities;
  • sleep and cravings will be restored;
  • the nausea and vomiting should go away after the next meal.

How to stop drinking alcohol suddenly - just by combining will, medication and psychological support. The second is very important, since the state of the central nervous system changes dramatically. As long as she adjusts to work without ethanol, the person overcoming the addiction will hallucinate. He discussed with imaginary interlocutors, retreated into himself for several hours and even sang. Do not focus on this - psychology will recover after the removal of harmful substances from the body.

Rehabilitation the right way - learn a new way of life

How to give up alcohol completely is a burning question. Male researchers noted that the likelihood of long-term remission significantly increased when a person actively wanted to refuse drinking alcohol. Therefore, when making an important decision to give up alcohol, an alcoholic must understand that nowadays anything that contains ethanol is strictly prohibited.

It is difficult to break up with alcohol forever without prior preparation. After you've gotten through the toughest early days of withdrawal symptoms, look for additional sources to alleviate your physical and psychological condition:

  1. Eliminate fatty and fried foods, foods saturated with salt and spices from your regular diet.
  2. Walk in the fresh air for 1-2 hours at least once a day.
  3. They will go back to their old hobbies, the pleasure of inducing an uncontrolled drunkenness.

The transition to a sober lifestyle is gradual. An ordinary person falls into a state of despair, seeing a future that is only in black. And then he got together, convinced not to give up, was again involved in solving family problems. Researchers Narcists recommend that you speed up recovery through physical activity. You don't have to go straight to the gym or go for a long run. A great way to recover quickly is gentle physical therapy.